#5 Positive Brainwash


Gezongen tracks worden uitsluitend geleverd in mp3 of WMA formaat.

Positive Brainwash – Elianne Rumahloine

Do you recognize the feeling you are
Your ideas are not good enough
Do you know that your brain makes who you are..
That your thoughts make you believe
Sometimes you – brainwash yourself – In a negative way..
That won’t bring you – where you want – want to be

That won’t bring you – where you want – want to be

Brainwash yourself in a positive way
Feel the power of thoughts to make you
Brainwash yourself in a positive way
Feel the power of thought to make you feel
Your great, you’re good, you know, you can, you do

Do you recognize the feeling you are
Do you recongnize the feeling you’re great
you can do, you should do, you will do..
Do you recognize the feeling you’re good
that you know, you feel, you can you do…

Brainwash yourself in a positive way
Feel the power of thoughts to make you
Brainwash yourself in a positive way
Feel the power of thought to make you feel
Your great, you’re good, you know, you can, you do

I know you recognize the feeling you are
Your ideas are good enough
I know you know your brain makes who you are..
That your thoughts make you believe
Now you can- brainwash yourself – In a positive way..
That will bring you – where you want – want to be
That will bring you – where you want – want to be

The world is yours
The world is yours
The world is yours
Believe that you can
Yes I can Yes I can I can I can

I know i feel i can dooooo this


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Gezongen tracks worden uitsluitend geleverd in mp3 of WMA formaat.